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das Hemd

(Shirt)—The German issue shirt is made of a white or off-white cotton drill material and was cut long. Part of the shirt’s purpose was as a nightshirt. Waist-length shirts (like tunics) are not authentic (That means WRONG! Don’t buy a “German” shirt that is waist-length.)—even if using a civilian shirt. (look at this photo below) Times were different—go with it... and do your own research. Don’t believe a vendor telling you waist-length shirts are okay—they aren’t. And, a waist-length shirt pops out and doesn’t stay tucked in and is annoying.

The Hemd was issued to all soldiers, but… being Germans, these soldiers often augmented their uniform with civilian clothing items. The wear of civilian clothing items was somewhat common among other nation’s soldiers, but was also quite unlike the U.S. military practice of having identical soldiers—things like this are sometimes hard for Americans to grasp as it is just such a foreign concept… Just keep rememberin’: The Germans AIN’T Americans! and you’ll do fine.

The simple issue shirt is the best bet, and if you cannot find an issue shirt, you do have the option of wearing a correct period civilian shirt, which may also be added to their kit. Another option is the wear of a grey wool collarless shirt (British “greyback”) which was trimmed in white, this was a common style of non-issue shirt used by soldiers. One other known frontline practice was simply wearing long-john’s underneath the tunic.

das Hemd, front

das Hemd, rear

Original joke photo showing the true length of the Hemd

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?1997-2018 1./Infanterieregiment 23
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This page last updated: Samstag, 22. September 2018/03:22:05
?1997-2018, M. Wise--Please just ASK before using anything on this site.
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