![]() Training to begin... |
If what is outlined in this web-site appeals to you, and you can meet J.R. 23's requirements, please click here and fill out the form! When you hit submit, it will go to our Rekrut Coordinator. After we receive the form, we will send you a "Prospective Rekrut" packet with information about the German soldier, how to pick a period German name, unit Handbuch and some other neato stuff. Also included is a unit application. [Now, before you get all super excited and start hanging-out at the mail box every day, know that we're still in the process of working the bugs out of our new Rekrut process, and sometimes it might take a bit of time to get it all out--this doesn't mean we are giving you the "blow-off". Call him back -- he likes to talk to new Rekruten]
Anyway, after you join, a sponsor will be assigned to you and he, along with the unit leaders, will guide you through the processes of becoming a Great War reenactor--and a participant in a truly unique experience in a unique hobby.
DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT buy ANY uniforms or equipment without consulting your sponsor and/or the unit authenticity officer. Many times new members will visit a dealer's store and end up being sold incorrect, or often just plain JUNK by unscrupulous dealers. This even applies to big dealers, so beware: you do not want to waste your hard-earned money on something you will not be allowed to use. [A note here: there ARE many good and honest dealers and we will do our best to steer you to these folks--it's the bad apples we want to save you from!] |